What is a Chaplet? Like the rosary, a chaplet is a sacramental. It consists of prayer beads, and on
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The 15 Prayers of St. Bridget
Discover for yourself the true Secret of Happiness through the Fifteen Prayers. Say them with devoti
看更多 »Litany to St. Prophet Jeremiah
It is the first and the only litany in honour of St. Prophet Jeremiah.Whatever challenges you are fa
看更多 »Litany to St. John the Baptist
Whatever challenges you are facing in life – know that there is a powerful Saint John the Baptist, w
看更多 »Litany to St. Prophet Elijah
Prophet Elijah was the most powerful of God's prophets in the Old Testament.It is the first and
看更多 »Jesus, You take over - Ruotolo
Dolindo Ruotolo - priest and Franciscan tertiary - was with Father Pio at Pietrelcina, who was a twe
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Koronka do Najświętszego Serca w wersji Ojca Pio.Ojciec Pio codziennie odmawiał tę Koronkę do Najświ
看更多 »Akt Zawierzenia Ks. D. Ruotolo
Kiedy do ojca Pio przychodziły tłumy, mówił: - Idźcie lepiej do ks. Dolindon Ruotolo! Ten kapłan z N
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7 Litanii do Matki Bożej:Litania Loretańska Litania do Maryi, Matki KarmeluLitania do Najświętszej M
看更多 »192 Christian Blessings
Right after telling his disciples to "love your enemies, do good to those who hate you," Jesus instr
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